There is no escaping it, these are probably the hardest and scariest times we have every faced. As a chamber and business owners we are going to have to make hard decisions on a day to day basis and hopefully the shared information below will help us to do this. If you have any information to share or have questions or just need help please contact us.
Useful Links & Information
Here is the Governments Coronavirus page:
Government guidance for employees, employers and businesses
Advice for protecting your empty premises, ACES (The Alliance of Chambers in East Sussex) Keep your property protected document
Wealden District Council, Advice, support and information for business
– Here is the Wealden COVID-19 Business Support Grant form, if you need it.
Business Support (Government), Coronavirus Financial Support
South East Business Hub, East Sussex
Locate East Sussex, COVID-19 Financial Business Support
Eastbourne Chamber Website, offering regular daily updates
BBC News, Business page
SKY News, Business page
World health Organiozation, events as they happen
Social Distancing, here is the Governments advice