Wealden Funeral Services

Company Details

A small family run funeral directors, independent in the true meaning of the word, providing the residents of Wealden with the farewells that they want at an affordable price for 20 years. We offer totally unbiased advice whatever type of service you require to ensure that the last farewell for you, or your loved one, is an accurate reflection and celebration of the life lost, whether tradition is your thing, or something more modern suits your taste. Whether you want a church funeral and burial, or a pub based ceremony with motorcycle hearse and cremation we have the expertise to provide the perfect service.

Wealden Funeral Services adhere to the Fair Price Charter so you can be sure that we will provide you with the best priced, highest quality services available. Why not contact us for an informal chat, 01435 868 844, www.wealden-funerals.uk, or on FaceTime, Skype or Zoom by arrangement, or drop into our Heathfield High Street shop, next to Trading for You, when able.

We are fully COVID safe.